Rohan Poldervaart

Meet Rohan Poldervaart, a choral enthusiast!


Choral conductor

Rohan Poldervaart is a choir conductor who is a graduated of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Royal Academy of Aalborg (Denmark).

He has always been passionate about choir conducting and piano. He since teaches choir leading, vocal leadership and gospel minor at the University of Hong Kong. Rohan also works as a coach and trainer in Belgium, Denmark, China, Germany and Finland.

What Rohan likes most about choir conducting is the teambuilding part!


His pedagogy

At imusic-school, Rohan is giving an intermediate course about choir conducting.

He teaches with passion and energy all the choir and rehearsal techniques necessary for the successful performance of a choir.

Let’s learn and have fun with Rohan!

Your Modern Conducting teacher

Take these intermediate choir conducting lessons with the conducting specialist Rohan Poldervaart!

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Your Conducting professors

Benjamin Geier



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